David MacArthur
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David is an experienced ecologist and company Director with over 20 years’ experience in the environmental sector.
David founded MacArthur Green in spring 2009 with a vision of building a leading specialist ornithological and ecological consultancy with the purpose of working with key partners and clients to have a positive impact on the environment. This involved helping important projects succeed (such as renewable energy developments) and supporting industry research and guidance to inform best practice.
David is recognised as one of the leaders in his field within the renewables industry. He has experience as an expert witness in both ornithology and ecology and his combined understanding of these issues can deliver considerable value for clients.
Before MacArthur Green David worked with the Scottish Government’s statutory nature conservation advisor (Scottish Natural Heritage) and with ScottishPower Renewables as their Senior Ecologist.
During his time with ScottishPower Renewables, David was responsible for managing ecological and environmental policy issues and working closely with key statutory and non-statutory stakeholders. At Scottish Natural Heritage David held various roles. These included Natura 2000 officer with responsibility for designating National and European Sites (SSSIs, SACs and SPAs) and an Area officer advising on fisheries and wind farm developments.
David graduated from the University of Edinburgh in 1998 with a degree in Ecological Science with honours in Wildlife and Fisheries Management. He went on to gain a Diploma in Economics (with Distinction) with The Open University. He subsequently gained a Masters in Economics (with Distinction) from the University of Strathclyde, specialising in environmental regulation and policy.
Kirsty is responsible for the effective and efficient management of the legal and contractual risks concerning MacArthur Green.
A qualified solicitor, Kirsty specialised in environmental, planning and consenting matters in the renewables energy sector prior to joining MacArthur Green. Kirsty’s most recent career involved working as an Associate for international law firm Pinsent Masons LLP. During her time at Pinsent Masons, Kirsty was seconded to the ScottishPower Renewables legal team for one year. This experience provided Kirsty with a unique insight into the legal requirements of renewable energy developers, including work in relation to onshore and offshore wind, biomass and marine renewables. She provided legal advice in relation to the first tidal development in the world in the Sound of Islay for ScottishPower Renewables, and also in respect of a prototype wave development at EMEC.
Kirsty gained her Law degree in 2001 from Glasgow University, her Diploma in Law (Glasgow Graduate School of Law) in 2002 and qualified as a solicitor in 2004. During her career at Pinsent Masons, she was recognised an Associate to Watch in Environment by the Chambers and Partners Guide (2010 and 2011). She was noted as ‘exceptionally bright and enthusiastic’ in the same publication. Kirsty subsequently went on to gain a Diploma in Environmental Law and Management.
Principal Ornithologist
Bob is an internationally renowned ornithologist with a 35 year track record of high quality research and project supervision”
Bob’s work at MacArthur Green has involved strategic projects developing methodologies to assess or mitigate interactions between seabirds and renewables, for clients such as Forewind, US Bureau of Ocean Management, Marine Scotland, Scottish Natural Heritage, Natural England, and Defra. He has also worked on a variety of site-based projects where impacts on birds are of concern, and on a wide range of issues related to bird conservation and adaptive management, marine fish stock assessment and fisheries management.
Bob is an Emeritus Professor at the University of Glasgow, a member of the Board of SNH, appointed Chair of the SNH Scientific Advisory Committee, on the board of the British Trust for Ornithology and an honorary member of the German Ornithological Society. He serves on the editorial boards of several scientific journals including Journal of Ornithology and Bird Study.
Bob chaired an international panel of experts appointed by the Danish government to advise on the monitoring of environmental impacts of their demonstration offshore wind farms at Nysted and Horns Rev and has co-authored several recent papers in scientific journals on assessing the cumulative impacts of wind farms on bird populations.
Principal Ornithologist
Dr Mark Trinder has established a strong reputation for the delivery of population models and analytical assessments for the investigation of potential impacts on bird populations, particularly in relation to renewable developments.
His role at MacArthur Green is to lead on the delivery of onshore and offshore renewable projects and provide statistical and modelling support for the whole team.
Mark undertakes ornithological impact assessments for offshore and terrestrial wind farms and tidal turbine developments. He has been centrally involved in various strategic and industry guidance work packages. These have included methods for ornithological cumulative assessment of wave and tidal projects (for The Crown Estate), population modelling of gannet (for the Strategic Ornithological Support Services) and strategic assessment of collision impacts on birds migrating through Scottish waters (for Marine Scotland).
Mark has previously worked for both a large environmental consultancy and also in the conservation sector for the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust.
Principal Ornithologist
Dr Sue O’Brien has worked on marine ornithology and offshore wind farm development since 2007, in government as a Senior Marine Ornithologist (Joint Nature Conservation Committee) and Lead Marine Ornithologist (Marine Directorate of the Scottish Government) and in consultancy as a Principal Ornithologist (MacArthur Green). She has led on identification and delivery of strategic research to build the evidence base on the effects of offshore wind on marine birds, as well as advising on offshore wind farm project applications.
Sue’s strength lies in building successful cross-sectoral collaborations, including OWSMRF (the Offshore Wind Strategic Monitoring and Research Forum) and the Red-throated Diver Energetics Project. Recognising that the whole offshore wind sector benefits from better evidence of the effects of offshore wind development on marine birds, Sue has engaged developers, consultants, government and NGOs in jointly identifying and delivering research that benefits everyone.
Sue’s role at MacArthur Green involves identifying opportunities for strategic collaborations on tackling the challenges to offshore wind development arising from displacement and collision of marine birds. Developing and delivering these collaborations will help to derisk consenting for the offshore wind industry.
Principal Modeller and Statistician
Professor Jason Matthiopoulos holds a personal chair in Spatial and Population Ecology at the University of Glasgow.
He is a mathematical and statistical ecologist who carries out diverse work on animal behavioural modelling, analytical population and metapopulation dynamics, demographic inference from sparse population data, spatial population dynamics, the statistical modelling of species distributions and the modelling of individual animal movement.
He is currently working to develop efficient statistical methods for linking the dynamics of populations with their spatial distribution and resource availability. His academic work (more than 80 high impact peer reviewed publications) aims to integrate traditional mathematical modelling with modern statistical inference (e.g. hierarchical models, state-space models, hidden Markov models). His applied work (more than 30 government reports) has focused on the trade-offs between wildlife conservation and human priorities (e.g. efficiency and design of protected areas, environmental impact assessment, resource management compatible with conservation, and productivity/biodiversity trade-offs).
Since 1998, his work has been instrumental in the design of policy on mammals and birds by UK government departments (MAFF, DEFRA, JNCC, DECC, SNH, Forestry commission, SCOS). He is the recipient of several international awards for scientific excellence, has long-term experience as associate editor in top ecology journals (Methods in Ecology and Evolution, Biology Letters, Journal of Applied Ecology). Jason has authored the highly successful postgraduate textbook “How to be a Quantitative Ecologist: The ‘A to R’ of Green Mathematics and Statistics”.
Principal Ecologist – Protected Species and ECoW
Drew is a highly experienced ecologist, with his skills in environmental consultancy covering wide ranging sectors across the UK including renewables (solar, wind, hydro), grid, residential, retail, commercial, industrial, mixed use, education, healthcare, prisons, highways, rail, river restoration, harbour development and coastal protection.
Drew is a Chartered Environmentalist (CEnv) and a full professional member of the Chartered Institute of Environmental and Ecological Management (CIEEM), the Institute for Fisheries Management (IFM), Association for Ecological and Environmental Clerks of Works (MECW) and the Marine Biological Association (memMBA). He holds multiple NatureScot licenses and survey accreditations. Although Drew specialises in aquatic ecology and fisheries, he has extensive experience of undertaking protected species surveys and providing clients with advice for a full suite of terrestrial and aquatic species across the UK.
Drew has extensive experience of successfully managing projects and providing several different services including the production of Preliminary Ecological Appraisals (PEA), a range of targeted protected species surveys, Ecological Impact Assessments (EcIA) for Environmental Statements (ES) and the production of Screening assessments and Statements to Inform Appropriate Assessment under the Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) process. Furthermore, Drew is an experienced ECoW and regularly produces Construction Environmental Management Plans (CEMP) and inputs into Habitat Management Plans (HMP).
Prior to becoming an ecologist, Drew achieved two degrees; BSc (Hons) and MSc, as well as a PhD in aquaculture from the University of Stirling.
Principal Ecologist
Brian has been with the team almost since MacArthur Green began, and is an experienced Principal Ecologist with a number of specialist survey skills and project management experience.
His main focus for MacArthur Green is on delivering high quality vegetation and habitat survey data, reports and impact assessments, with a particular focus on National Vegetation Classification (NVC) surveys. Brian also provides Phase 1 habitat surveys, GWDTE surveys, and Peat Depth and Blanket Mire Condition surveys. He has provided these surveys for a wide range of clients within the renewables, forestry, roads, housing and mining sectors. Recent large project examples include delivering the NVC surveys for both the Central and Northern A9 dualling sections, covering a survey reach of over 70km.
Brian is an experienced project manager, and manages a number of ecology, ornithology and peat projects to ES submission with preparation of associated ES chapters, EcIA’s and HRA’s.
He is also experienced in conducting and providing protected species surveys and licencing, fisheries habitat surveys, ornithological surveys, ECoW services, and species and habitat management plans and monitoring.
Brian graduated from the University of Glasgow in 2005 with a First Class honours degree in Physical Geography. He also gained a Masters degree with Distinction in River Basin Management from the University of Stirling in 2009.
Principal Ecologist
Kate is an experienced ecologist and a Chartered Environmentalist with diverse project experience, having authored and contributed to numerous ecological impact assessments, HRA, ES and other technical reports and deliverables for projects based in the UK and worldwide, including contributing to the delivery of major infrastructure schemes.
Prior to joining MacArthur Green, Kate worked for a large international consultancy where she gained a strong ecological foundation and robust survey skills from conducting field surveys over many years, as well as gaining experience in managing projects and leading teams. Field work included ecological walkovers, protected species surveys (badger, otter, water vole, red squirrel, bat, GCN, breeding birds), Phase 1 habitats, environmental screening assessments, badger bait marking surveys, mitigation monitoring (replacement badger setts and otter holts), and ECoW duties. Kate had a focus on protected species, notably otter, and technical report writing as well as data management and GIS. Kate used her skills and interest in GIS to improve efficiencies in data collection and analysis within the team, as well as innovatively using remotely-sensed data to analyse spatial biodiversity to inform sustainable development abroad.
Kate graduated from the University of Exeter with a First Class honours degree in Zoology.
Principal Hydrologist
Rob is a Principal Hydrologist providing input into a wide range of MacArthur Green’s projects including environmental assessments and ecological clerk of work services.
Rob has over ten years’ experience working as a technical lead and project manager within a range of hydrological, hydraulic and sediment transport projects across the UK. This work has included surveying, monitoring, modelling across high and low flows as well as delivering on a wide range of environmental assessments for a variety of development types. Most recently his work has focussed on water resource and drought planning for Welsh Water.
Prior to joining MacArthur Green, Rob spent several years working on water resource studies for water utility companies including a period seconded to Scottish Water as the leading Hydrologist for Drought Planning of Scottish water resources. Driven by the objectives of the Water Framework Directive, he also led a team of hydrologist assessing yield and water resource abstraction throughout Scotland. This work led to the development in the understanding of low flow modelling and assessments for Scottish ground and surface water courses.
Rob has a BSc (Hons) in Geography (Earth Studies) and a PhD entitled ‘Monitoring and Modelling Flow and Suspended Sediment Transport Processes in Abandoned Channels’ from the University of Exeter.
Principal Ornithologist
Nicole is an experienced ecological consultant, specialising in ornithology and the assessment of onshore renewable energy developments. She has been the appointed ornithological lead for a number of large and complex onshore wind farm projects including the Glendye, Kirkan, Berry Burn Extension, Craigneil, Earraghail, New Rides, Garvary and An Càrr Dubh wind farms, providing support and expertise at all stages of development from inception through to EIA, PLI services and operational monitoring.
Nicole has authored and provided peer reviews of numerous ornithological and ecological EIA Reports and Habitat Management Plans, provided policy compliance statements and has undertaken Habitats Regulations Appraisals/Assessments on behalf of competent authorities including the MoD. Her technical skills include baseline survey design and co-ordination, territory analysis, collision mortality risk analysis and GET Model assessments.
In addition to onshore wind farm developments, Nicole has provided ornithological and ecological expertise on a number of large-scale strategic infrastructure developments throughout the UK and the Republic of Ireland including compressed air energy storage (CAES), ports and harbour re-development and land reclamation, vehicular ferries, grid and transport connections.
She holds an MSc in Ecological Management and Conservation Biology from Queens University Belfast and a BSc (Hons) in Ecological Sciences from the University of Edinburgh.
Principal Ornithologist
Rafe has over 15 years of ornithology and ecology experience in the consultancy sector and has been the lead author of various high profile EIA Reports, Habitats Regulations Appraisals, technical reports and Habitat Management Plans for large offshore and onshore infrastructure projects, including Clash Gour, Glenshero, North Lowther Energy Initiative, Berry Burn and High Constellation onshore wind farms; East Anglia, ONE North and TWO, Galloper and Hornsea offshore wind farms; MeyGen Tidal development; A9 road dualling; and Grangemouth Flood Defence Scheme.
Rafe has managed projects through all aspects of large developments from scoping to public hearings, and operational monitoring. His technical skills include ornithology and ecology surveys, collision risk modelling, population modelling, habitat management techniques, habitat loss calculations, R software programming and various data analyses.
Rafe graduated from the University of Glasgow with a BSc. (Hons.) in Zoology, and went on to gain a MSc. (Distinction) in Environmental Sustainability from the University of Edinburgh.
Principal Ornithologist
Nicola’s role at MacArthur Green involves project management, technical input and consultation to successfully deliver environmental assessments for a range of onshore and offshore developments.
With over ten years of ornithology experience in the consultancy sector, Nicola has specialised in projects involving estuarine and marine birds. Prior to joining MacArthur Green, Nicola held various roles as an ornithologist including project manager, data analyst and surveyor and has contributed to a broad range of schemes from offshore renewable projects (wind, wave and tidal power development) to onshore energy projects and transport infrastructure. Nicola has been involved in various technical ornithological work including calculating population estimates, Distance density analysis and GIS spatial analysis. She has also authored and contributed to a range of reports including baseline reports, Habitats Regulations Assessments and Environmental Impact Assessments.
Nicola graduated from the University of Aberdeen with a BSc in Zoology and an MRes with Distinction in Animal Physiology / Energetics. Her PhD at Cardiff University in Animal Behaviour and Endocrinology was titled ‘Endocrine control of nestling begging behaviour in the pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca)’.
Principal Ornithologist
Sarah is an experienced ornithologist and has been the lead author (ornithology) of various high profile EIA Reports, Habitats Regulations Assessments, technical reports and Habitat Management Plans for various onshore projects including: North Kyle, Stranoch 2, Tangy IV, Gilston and Hopsrig wind farms, Islay – North of Scotland Reinforcement Project (overhead lines) and Speyslaw and Milton Airfield solar farms. Sarah also manages sites through pre-construction, construction and operational monitoring and has been involved at the following onshore wind farms: Andershaw, Blacklaw, Dersalloch, Glen App, Hadyard Hill, Middle Muir and Whitelee. Sarah’s key focus is onshore ornithology and she is involved in managing all aspects of large-scale development projects from the design and scheduling of field surveys through to consultation with SNH, EIA chapters/HRAs and post-submission support. Her technical skills include ornithology surveys (scheduling and undertaking), viewshed analysis, collision modelling, population modelling, PAT/GET modelling and breeding wader territory analysis.
Prior to her time at MacArthur Green, Sarah worked for RSPB Scotland for over two years at the Lochwinnoch Reserve and then as the RSPB representative within the Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park. Sarah also worked as a volunteer for RSPB Scotland during her time at university.
Sarah has a BSc in Zoology from Glasgow University, where she was involved in the 10th year of long running ring ouzel surveys in the Cairngorms.
Business Operations and Carbon Manager
Judy has a unique role in MacArthur Green. Her skillset means she is ideally placed to lead and manage the company operations and carbon emissions. Judy’s innovative thinking not only ensures the smooth running of the business, she also integrates the delivery of MacArthur Green’s environment plan into the day to day running of the business (and improving it). In particular, Judy’s diligent and creative thinking helps position MacArthur Green as a true leader in adopting Carbon Negative Business practices, whether in relation to our Carbon Management Plan or Lochgair Management plan or client carbon calculator assessments.
Health and Safety Manager
Gillian Clark is responsible for the management of all Health & Safety matters within MacArthur Green, providing practical advice, support and recommendations regarding health & safety policy, procedures and legislation. Gillian helps MacArthur Green to build a closer working relationship and greater co-ordination with our clients on health and safety matters.
Gillian is a Chartered IOSH member with over fifteen years Health & Safety experience. She has worked as a consultant within the renewables sector, petrochemical industry, major civil projects, and conservation renovations (including Natural England and Scottish Natural Heritage projects).
In addition to her role with MacArthur Green, Gillian also holds the role of Chief Executive for the Forestry Industry Safety Accord (http://www.ukfisa.com/).
Gillian has a BSc in Agriculture from the University of Newcastle upon Tyne. Further qualifications include NVW Level 4 Health & Safety, NEBOSH Environmental Management Diploma, and NEBOSH Health & Safety Diploma.
Invoicing and Database Manager
Vicki joins the MacArthur Green team as an experienced financial administrator, with a strong technical skillset and genuine enthusiasm for data and systems. A rare find, Vicki operates our time recording software with a smile, and brings her flair for problem solving and analytical thinking to any tricky problem.
Aside from all this, Vicki happens to be the proud owners of an MSc in Mobile Web Development (with Distinction) from the University of West of Scotland, and a BSc in Internet Technologies (with Distinction) from the University of Paisley.
Senior Ornithologist
Shirley is a Senior Ornithologist working in offshore renewable team at MacArthur Green. Shirley’s brings value to our team with her extensive research experience, along with project management and data analyses.
Shirley has a PhD from the University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland, followed by a range of Postdocs, which focused on understanding on how organisms respond to challenges in their environment. She has worked on a wide range of study systems, from insects to mammals in different continents to answer complex evolutionary and ecological questions.
Geospatial Principal
Michelle is a Principal Geospatial Consultant who comes to the team with geospatial analysis and remote sensing expertise as well as project management and team leadership experience.
She has worked for over two decades for a variety of organisations including an international engineering consultancy, regional and international NGOs, and regional and national American government agencies. Her focus has been conservation, national scenic area management, environmental impact assessments, landscape scale natural capital and ecosystem services assessments, and remote sensing. She has also taught GIS courses and labs at Oregon State University and Portland Community College.
Additionally, Michelle volunteered at the University of Minnesota Raptor Centre where she was honoured to be able to care for bald eagles, peregrine falcons, red tailed hawks, many different species of owls, and other birds.
Her educational background includes a BSc in Natural Resource Management and Fisheries and Wildlife from the University of Minnesota and an MSc in Biogeography and Physical Geography from Oregon State University.
Senior Ornithologist
Dallas’s role as a Senior Ornithologist at MacArthur Green involves quantitative and technical analysis for offshore projects, focusing on spatial modelling and multi-scale displacement. He brings statistical expertise to his role to support onshore and offshore analyses such as collision risk modelling and population viability analysis.
Dallas completed a bachelor’s degree at Cornell University and a master’s degree in Marine Science at Stony Brook University, where he published research on non-breeding spatial distributions of albatross in the North Pacific. Prior to joining MacArthur Green, Dallas worked for six years as a field research supervisor on seabird conservation projects, as a marine consultant specialising in marine ornithology, and offshore as a European-Seabirds-at-Sea (ESAS) surveyor.
Senior Ecologist
Eleanor Stacey is a Senior Ecologist with a focus on ecology project management here at MacArthur Green. She is involved in managing all aspects of projects from the design and scheduling of surveys through to data analysis and reporting, in addition to carrying out various field surveys. Eleanor brings a diverse range of skills in project management, tendering, data management, technical reporting, operational planning and health and safety awareness.
Eleanor has a First-class degree from the University of Southampton in Marine Biology with Oceanography, with nine years of experience as Senior Hydrographic Surveyor prior to joining MacArthur Green. She has attained her Yachtmaster Coastal ticket, with commercial endorsement, and was responsible for the safety of vessel and crew at sea whilst skippering and leading hydrographic survey teams. Her previous roles have involved planning survey logistics (including weather, tide, access) for projects including renewables and construction, collecting survey information and reporting to clients. When not at work, Eleanor volunteers at the Firth of Forth Lobster Hatchery, raising awareness of marine conservation
Geospatial Consultant
Luke’s role involves supporting the ornithology and ecology teams in processing, analysing, and presenting survey data.
Luke completed a master’s degree at the University of Cambridge in Polar Studies. His research there utilised GIS to detect changes in the rate of sea level rise contribution from the Greenland Ice Sheet. Prior to this, Luke graduated from the University of Edinburgh, studying BSc Geography, with a dissertation using GIS to identify areas for potential pine woodland expansion in the Cairngorms National Park.
Senior Field Ecologist
Jason is an ecologist undertaking a wide range of field surveys including National Vegetation Classification (NVC) and Phase 1 Habitat Surveys, Habitat and GWDTE monitoring, Peat surveys including Peatland restoration, Protected Species Surveys, and Ornithological Surveys.
He has extensive experience of carrying out ecological survey work on major windfarm sites’ and large infrastructure projects such as the Central and Northern A9 dualling sections and the Skye Reinforcement project to upgrade 160km of new power line. His work also includes data analysis and reporting.
Jason previously practised as a solicitor specialising in Planning and Environmental law, and re-trained with the Scottish Wildlife Trust (SWT) while extending his academic studies with the Open University, gaining a Professional Development Award in Ecological Surveying and HND in Natural Sciences respectively, focusing on specialist practical field skills in a wide range of ecological disciplines.
He has a wide range of expertise in field ecology with the ability to design and implement ecological surveys. He has extensive understanding of the ecological and environmental issues that influence any habitat. Jason is also qualified as a Marine Mammal Observer with experience of boat surveys for cetaceans and seabirds. He is also a qualified mountain leader, has a BA(Hons) in Commerce from Napier University and also holds a wide range of RYA accredited marine qualifications.
Senior Ecologist
Natasha is a senior ecologist for MacArthur Green, having joined as an Ecologist and Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW). Before joining us, and during her studies, Natasha has worked in various roles as a Seasonal Ecologist and an Ecologist/ECoW with consultancies in the northwest of England. She holds a great crested newt (GCN) licence Class 1 and conducts various protected species, peat, ornithological and phase 1 habitat surveys. From the field to the office, Natasha project manages ECoW projects and writes various ECoW and protected species reports. Originally from Zimbabwe, Natasha’s passion for the wilderness led her to volunteer as an assistant Zoologist at a local museum, and a fundraiser/animal socialiser for an animal rescue, of which she is still very active with. Natasha went on to gain a BSc (Hons) in Wildlife and Practical Conservation from the University of Salford. She followed on to graduate with an MSc at the University of Salford, with the Natural History Museum London, in Phylogenetics, Taxonomy and Biogeography and discovered six new species of frog in East Africa.
Consultant Ornithologist
Jamie is an avid birder and highly experienced surveyor, having conducted the full range of ornithology surveys across Scotland for over 3 years. Alongside his fieldwork, Jamie also manages MacArthur Green’s onshore ornithology data and assists with technical and scoping reports. Prior to joining MacArthur Green in 2019, Jamie achieved a BSc Hons (First Class) in Applied Bioscience and Zoology from the University of the West of Scotland.
Consultant Ecologist
Flora manages the bat projects within MacArthur Green and conducts a wide range of field surveys including protected species, peat and National Vegetation Classification (NVC) surveys. Flora also carried out data analysis and reporting.
Prior to joining MacArthur Green, Flora worked for a couple of consultancies, primarily conducting dawn and dusk bat surveys as a seasonal ecologist. Having a keen interest in the outdoors and wildlife, she also volunteered with the Saving Scotland’s Red Squirrel Project for SWT, The Borders Forest Trust and the Tweed Valley Osprey Project.
Flora holds a BSc (Hons) in Animal Biology from Edinburgh Napier University.
With over 20 year’s bird survey experience, Miles is a key member of the MacArthur Green ornithology team. He is field based and works on sites throughout Scotland, conducting the full range of ornithology surveys including Vantage Point, Scarce Breeding Birds, Black Grouse and Winter Walk Over.
As a committed birder, Miles has travelled extensively throughout the globe and his ‘life list’ is enviable. Prior to joining MacArthur Green in 2012, Miles had clocked up over 17 years working as a bird surveyor and recorder for projects managed by, amongst others, The British Trust for Ornithology and the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust.
Joyce is a key member of the MacArthur Green ornithology team, with over 20 year’s bird survey experience. She is field based and works on sites throughout Scotland, conducting the full range of ornithological surveys including Vantage Point, Scarce Breeding Birds, Black Grouse and Winter Walk Over.
Prior to working with MacArthur Green, Joyce spent over 25 years working as a countryside ranger at Clyde Muirshiel Regional Park. Alongside other wildlife monitoring there she has been heavily involved in monitoring hen harrier in the Renfrewshire Heights SPA and the installation of CCTV nest cameras. An enthusiastic birder, Joyce has also assisted licenced ringers at Schedule 1 nest sites, including providing rope access to cliff nests.
Consultant Field Ecologist
Ewan works as a Consultant Field Ecologist for MacArthur Green and is experienced in conducting a wide range of field surveys. These include ecological surveys for protected species (including bats, otters, water voles, red squirrels, pine martens and badgers), habitat surveys (Phase 1 and National Vegetation Classification) and peat depth/coring surveys. He also carries out a range of ornithological surveys, such as vantage point surveys and those for breeding waders and black grouse. In addition, he has acted as an Ecological Clerk of Works for several renewable and infrastructure projects, and carries out data analysis and reporting. Prior to joining MacArthur Green, he had worked in various ecological and environmental consultancies around Scotland. Carrying out a placement within the Peatland Action Team at NatureScot in 2019 also allowed him to develop a sound understanding of peatland restoration. Ewan has a passion for the natural environment and his interest in ecology has been fostered through voluntary experience with several charities, including Scottish Badgers, Trees for Life and Whale and Dolphin Conservation. Ewan holds a BSc in Zoology with First Class Honours from the University of Glasgow and a MSc in Ecology & Conservation with Distinction from the University of Aberdeen. He is also a Qualifying member of CIEEM.
Project Administrator
Steven’s role as Project Administrator encompasses a diverse range of responsibilities, from coordinating resources and updating survey plans in Excel to arranging site access and accommodation for survey teams. A recent graduate with a Master’s degree in Sustainability and Environmental Studies from the University of Strathclyde, he is deeply committed to sustainable practices. This commitment is evident through his academic pursuits, where he dedicated time to primary schools, exploring strategies for mitigating food waste. Steven’s thesis project focused on developing a carbon calculation tool to quantify downstream emissions from roasted coffee. Alongside his studies, Steven collaborated with a coffee company to establish an Environmental Management System (EMS) aligned with the ISO 14001 standard. This experience positions him as adept at conducting project audits for ISO 9001 and 14001, a key part of his role at MacArthur Green.
Consultant Ecologist and Solicitor
Nadia is a qualified solicitor and her role at MacArthur Green is Consultant Ecologist and Solicitor. Nadia manages ecology projects, including delivering EIA chapters, technical reports, and habitat management plans; and separately negotiates client and subcontractor contracts.
Before joining the team, Nadia worked in Gillespie Macandrew’s Dispute Resolution department and spent her first qualified year specialising in planning law. Nadia’s experience in planning matters at Gillespie Macandrew included a range of on and offshore wind farm and connection projects, and her key focus was advising clients on planning conditions, compulsory purchase orders and EIA reviews. Nadia’s interest in environmental matters teamed with renewable energy development steered her career towards environmental consultancy.
Nadia is qualified in Scots and English law and attained a first class honours degree in 2018 and Diploma in law in 2019 at the University of Aberdeen. Nadia became a Notary Public in 2023. During her time at Gillespie Macandrew, Nadia featured in the Scottish Planning & Environmental Law journal.
Tom carries out field surveys, writing reports and data analysis. Tom has a background in fisheries, and has worked with the Loch Lomond Fisheries Trust, and assisted on multiple projects with the University of Glasgow looking at various aspects of salmonid fish health and survivability. Prior to his move to the environmental sector, he had a career working as a chef throughout Glasgow and Australia.
Tom holds a 2:1 BSc (Hons) degree in Zoology from the University of Glasgow and a master’s degree in Wildlife Biology and Conservation from Edinburgh Napier University.
ECoW & Field Ecologist
In this ECoW & Field Ecologist role, Jamie is responsible for advising construction works to ensure that environmental legislation is being followed. In addition to this, he also carries out ornithology and protected species surveys as well as water quality monitoring.
Prior to this, he participated in a number of voluntary positions including carrying out breeding bird surveys for the British Trust for Ornithology, investigating the use of road tunnels by hedgehogs in a project for the People’s Trust for Endangered Species and an internship with an NGO in Belize, surveying for crocodiles. He also has experience as a seasonal ecologist, carrying out bat dawn and emergence surveys in central Scotland and northern England.
Jamie obtained a BSc in Animal Biology from Edinburgh Napier University, with his dissertation investigating the habitat preferences of African elephants in South Africa, before going on to obtain an MSc in Wildlife Biology and Conservation at the same institution.
ECoW & Field Ecologist
Eilidh joined Macarthur Green at the beginning of 2023. Eilidh will be working as an Ecological Clerk of Works, helping our clients meet ecological planning conditions for wind farm developments. Her role involves managing the risks on construction sites associated with biodiversity features, supporting clients with practical and cost-effective ecological advice to adhere to environmental legislation whilst safely progressing with the construction process. Prior to this, she worked for the Scottish Government in the Agriculture and Rural Economy department.
Eilidh has experience undertaking bat dawn and dusk surveys, ornithology surveys and many protected species surveys including badger, water vole and otter. Prior to joining MacArthur Green she collaborated with organisations such as The Conservation Volunteers, Loch Lomond National Park and the International Otter Survival Fund.
Eilidh holds a BSc in Zoology with First Class Honours from the University of Glasgow (2021).
Field Ecologist
ECoW & Field Ecologist
Tim works as an Ecological Clerk of Works and Field Ecologist at MacArthur Green. He supports our clients by conducting a range of ecological surveys and ensuring compliance with environmental legislation throughout construction works, whilst also supporting clients to ensure projects are built successfully.
Prior to joining MacArthur Green, Tim worked as an environment ranger for Forestry and Land Scotland in Argyll during his student placement year. In this role he gained experience in protected species surveys as well as ornithological survey experience. He also ensured environmental legislation was upheld during forestry and civil engineering operations.
Tim holds a BSc with First Class Honours in Woodland Ecology and Conservation from the University of Cumbria (2024) with his dissertation research assessing the genetic composition of red squirrels in mid-Argyll. Outside of work, Tim volunteers as an assistant researcher with Ancient Woodlands UK, a campaign helping to build legislation for the protection of ancient woodlands in the UK.
ECoW & Field Ecologist
Lesley is working as a Field Ecologist and Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW), assisting with protected species surveys and helping our clients meet ecological planning conditions for wind farm developments.
Before joining us, Lesley worked in Natural Resource Management and Biosecurity in Tasmania. Prior to this experience she worked as a fisheries trust biologist for more than 12 years.
Lesley holds a BSc with First Class Honours in Environmental Science from the University of Ulster. As part of her degree she worked for a year in water management, surveying the ecological status of lakes and ponds with the Northern Ireland Environment Agency.
Field Ecologist
As a Field Ecologist, Lewis’s role encompasses a range of survey work, including protected species, peat and Phase 1 Habitat surveys. In addition to this, he is undertakes water quality monitoring surveys, processing survey data and digitisation.
Lewis has worked a variety of outdoor roles, which culminated in a voluntary residential position with the RSPB, where he undertook a range of ecological survey work and habitat restoration. During this time, Lewis began a personal project to monitor local bird populations with bioacoustics and discovered species thought to be absent – including long-eared owls. Prior to this, he worked as a subcontractor in reforestation projects across the UK. With a keen commitment to safety, Lewis also has experience in high ropes safety and rescue.
Lewis is nearing completion of an Environmental Science BSc with the Open University. With this, he aims to complement his existing field experience; enabling him to bring a well-rounded perspective to his role at MacArthur Green.
Field Ornithologist
As a field ornithologist Isaac undertakes breeding bird surveys, black grouse surveys and flight activity surveys whilst also assisting in ecological surveys.
Isaac has always been a nature lover with a specific interest in birds. He is a regular birder and is always on the look out for bird life no matter the environment. This passion was really ignited during whilst working as a practical reserve placement at the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust Caerlaverock site. During his time at Caerlaverock, Isaac conducted population counts for barnacle geese and general wetland birds, nest box monitoring targeted at tree sparrows, barn owls and kestrels, natterjack toad spawn and adult counts and a saltmarsh vegetation assessment. Along side his work for WWT he also conducted woodcock presence surveys for the British Trust for Ornithology.
Isaac graduated from Bangor University in 2024. His dissertation looked into how barnacle goose vigilance behaviour differs when subjected to varying levels of disturbance.
Field Ornithologist
Luke is a Field Ornithologist, conducting flight activity surveys, breeding bird (wader) surveys, black grouse surveys, scarce breeding bird surveys, protected species surveys, peat surveys and water quality monitoring.
Luke has had a lifelong passion for the outdoors, and growing up with a warden for a father meant that ornithology has always been present in his life. Prior to his position with MacArthur Green, Luke was conducting a range of bird surveys in the Hebrides and Highlands, including Schedule 1 species surveys, breeding bird surveys, flight activity surveys and dawn and dusk diver focal watches. During this time, he was also working with a wildlife tour company, cooking for guests while also assuming the role of a wildlife guide, providing information regarding Scotland’s wild western coast and its wildlife. Before that, Luke was fresh from an expedition in the South Atlantic, accompanying Tristan da Cunha’s conservation department in surveying the archipelago’s fragile and internationally important seabird populations, while also getting the opportunity to gain experience in the processes and techniques involved in protecting the island’s rich ecosystems.
Luke graduated with a degree in Audio Technology at Glasgow Caledonian University (GCU), specialising in field recording and the use of natural audio in modern technology.